Check back often as this page is work in progress . . .
Part our ministry is to provide you with as many resources as possible. Resources that are included and will soon be available are:
- websites we believe will be of particular interest to you
- recommendations of book on the subject matter of homosexuality, counseling, sexuality, and many others
- articles on the subject matter of sexuality, homosexuality, and other pertanent discussions
- video links to different speakers
- actual audio downloads from not only Charlene’s speaking engagement but that of others as well
- a study of God’s word on the vast subject of sexuality with a particular emphasis on homosexuality
- defining terms and terminology
- and much much more . . .
Please let us know if there is a particular question that you would like us to answer and we will do our best to assist you. Simply click on the email address at the bottom of the screen to send us your inquiry.
Just click on the tab above entitled “Resources”